8 Nigerian Lifestyles That Put You At Risk Of Developing Kidney Diseases

8 Nigerian Lifestyles That Put You At Risk Of Developing Kidney Diseases


The relationship between lifestyle and health can never be over emphasized. In Nigeria, not all of our cultural practices guarantee a healthy lifestyle. For instance, most of our traditional soups are expected to be rich in palm oil as it is believed it gives the soups, a beautiful colour, but too much oil is not good for the heart. Kidneys help clean the blood, keep the balance of salt and minerals in your blood, and help control blood pressure. When the kidneys are damaged, waste products and fluid can build up in your body, causing swelling in your ankles, vomiting, weakness, poor sleep, and shortness of breath. Based on this, INFORMATION NIGERIA in this piece looks at  8 lifestyles you must stay away from, to keep  kidney disease at bay..

Herbal drugs:-: Studies have shown the damaging role herbal medicine plays in fueling kidney failure in the country. Many herbal remedies have been proven to be nephrotoxic. A typical example is remedies that contain aristolochic acid in some Chinese herbal medicines. The use of traditional herbal medications is common in Nigeria but studies claim nephrotoxicity resulting from their use accounted for 37.5% of cases of acute tubular necrosis in a Nigerian study.

Drug Abuse: Every Nigerian is a self doctor. Before you say jack – some Nigerian are already at their local pharmacy buying self prescribed drugs for an illness. It has been stated that most of the things that cause renal failure are abuse of analgesics. Pain killers should only be used when they are required. For example when there is a case of surgery, for normal pains like headache, leg pain among others, paracetamol should be enough to take care of the problems. There is no need taking stronger pain killers.

Smoking. Smoking can damage blood vessels, which decreases the flow of blood in the kidneys. When the kidneys don’t have adequate blood flow, they can’t function at optimal levels. Smoking also increases the risk of high blood pressure as well as the risk of kidney cancer.

Lack of Exercise:  Times are hard, man must hustle hard to put food on the table, therefore no time for exercise, that is a common practice among most Nigerians. It is important to note that like healthy eating habits, regular physical activity can stave off weight gain and high blood pressure. But be mindful of how much exercise you do, especially if you’re not conditioned.“Overexerting yourself when you’re not fit and healthy can put a strain on your kidneys, especially if you exercise so much that you cause excessive breakdown of muscle tissue.

Too much salt in food: For some Nigerians, a food will almost be salty before they consider it tasty, however, it is highly advisable we check our quantity of salt intake.

Excessive alcohol intake; Most Nigerians feel gulping down a brewery is how to show off ones wealth at a beer parlour, pub or club. Drinking excessive alcohol is how some Nigerians have fun. It is important to note that alcohol should be taken in moderation and not to the point of stupor.

Fats and saturated fats: This does not help the kidney at all. Also try to eat food that help the heart like: fresh fruits, fresh or frozen vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods.

Drink plenty of water; Some Nigerians would always drive down each meal with a can of soda or sugary drink. It is common practice for some people to drink so much of everything but little water. In order to stay healthy, consume more water than other liquid.

Nollywood actor, Muna Obiekwe,  broadcaster, Steve Kadiri, former president, late Umaru Musa Yar’adua, Inspiration FM presenter Chaz B, movie actor, Enebeli Elebuwa and singer, Mozzyx are some of the Nigerians who have lost the battle against kidney failure. Studies claim more people die of kidney disease than HIV/AIDS and malaria!!!
