Here Is Why You Purge/Stool After Eating Leafy Vegetables Many people have always wondered why they “purge” whenever they eat leafy green vegetables, especially the Celosia argentea var. argentea or Lagos spinach (Efo Soko) and A maranthus hybridus (Efo Tete).Stop wondering and find out.

Here Is Why You Purge/Stool After Eating Leafy
Many people have always wondered why they
“purge” whenever they eat leafy green vegetables,
especially the Celosia argentea var. argentea or
Lagos spinach (Efo Soko) and A maranthus
hybridus (Efo Tete).

For me, the former makes me
really purge the day after consuming it and since
when I was in high school, I knew the reason for
this because I read about it after finding.
I was chatting with a couple of girls last week
when one of them informed me that she no
longer eat leafy vegetables because they make
her go to the toilet and produce watery stool.
These leafy vegetables are very rich in nutrients
and are not foods one would give up on. This is
one of the reasons we advised that people should
avoid chopping their vegetables in the market .
Why Do I Purge or Stool After Eating Vegetables
When we eat leafy vegetables, which by the way
are very rich in minerals, they pass through the
digestive tract and end up at the small intestine.
Nutrients are absorbed by the inner walls of the
small intestine into the blood stream, so it is
faster and easier when the food touches the wall
of the intestine. In the small intestine, the fiber,
which is abundant in the vegetables absorb water
and swell up. This makes the food to touch the
walls of the small intestines and makes digestion
This fiber also ensures regular bowel movements
by preventing toxic buildup in the digestive tract.
This can make you visit the toilet more often than
you normally do. This also prevents the
development of digestion problems, including
constipation .
If you have read our article on constipation and
how to manage constipation at home in the past,
you would recall that one of the foods we
mentioned for managing constipation is leafy
vegetables. They are really very important in our
Even if they make you “purge”, leafy green
vegetables are foods that you should eat often
because they help digestion of foods and make
the absorption of the nutrients in the food you
have eaten easier. This “purging” is an
“unavoidable evil” you have to embrace. This case
is different from the way you purge when you eat
beans and that is why we share ways by which
you can cook beans to prevent farting or purging
after eating it.
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By Ahmed Ogundimu on 20 October, 2015 ·
Posted in Food & Nutrition, Knowledgebase
Tags: Leafy Vegetables , Efo Riro
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