Do you know there is a new planet in the solar system now. It's called PLANET-9, but the question is where did it come from?

Do you know there is a new planet in the solar system now. It's called PLANET-9, but the question is where did it come from?

Henry jex blog
Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC)

It's out there, in the dark. Something 10 times more massive than Earth and at least 10 times farther from the sun than Pluto, still within the solar system.

If it's a planet, as gravitational evidence suggests, it just got even more mysterious. According to models run by astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), several scenarios that could explain how it got there are still super unlikely.

"The evidence points to Planet Nine existing, but we can't explain for certain how it was produced," Gongjie Li, lead author on a paper accepted for publicationin the Astrophysical Journal Letters, said in a statement.

The Earth is 149.6 million kilometres (93 million miles) from the sun. Planet Nine is an estimated 64.4 billion to 225.3 billion kilometres (40 billion to 140 billion miles) from the sun. It's a strange place to find a planet, that's for sure.

The big question is how it got there.
